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I'm Dariel

a developer.

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I am a Computer Scientist student currently enroll in Interamerican University. I'm hard working, I like to code and design while listening to music.

My Skills.



I've started programing 5 years ago in University, I've worked ON MySQL Database and on webpage development using Html, Css, Javascript, and bootstrap, not only webpages. I had the oportunity to use C and C++ for arduino to experiment with a water lever detection sensor, Leds, and UNO R3, Microships, Servo, sensors and circuits (Robotics). I also used visual basic on few of my first's attemps in programing. I love video Games therefor I couldnt help to gain the knowledge on knowing how they work behind the screens. I have a minor in Game Desing and development allowing me to work in different Game Engines Like Unity Engine where I learn the software function and implementing C# language to make my simple games to work and Unreal Engine implementing C++.


Design & Developer

I have gain another skill through out the years and is to learn to use different design program for my personal use and my games and for my minor. I worked on Adobe programs like Illustraitor, Photoshop, Animete. I also have created my own 3D objects using a program called Blender and painted it using Adobe Substance for 3D texturing. All for the purpose of increasing my knowledge and habilities in designing


UDEMY Certificates

Even when the University is done and stop, I don't relax, I keep on working hard on improving my skills by working in udemy courses. Getting my certificates and trying to gain more experince to be more prepared in my line of work is my goal. I have 2 certificates on unreal engine one focused on Making differents videogames by programing in c++ and the other one is focused on creating Landscapes and enviromentes for a games. I am currently working on a course focused in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB to refreash and become a full-stack web developer. Which I would get my certificate soon. I have in my list of certificates to work on the near future SQL, Data Science & Machine Learning, Javascript.

Get In Touch

Want to get in contact with me so we could talk more?.

if you like programing and videogames send me an email so we can have a more personal conversation just with one click

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